Difference between revisions of "Ribbon (Marking)"

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Revision as of 08:16, 25 July 2021

Ribbon is a Dye Marking that resembles a ribbon being wrapped around the waja legs and tail. You can add this marking to your waja by use of a Dye Ribbon.

Marking Appearance

All examples feature wajas with the marking in FF0000 (pure red). However, this marking can come in any Hex Color as well as rainbow (simply put the word "RAINBOW" in the hex field) and chrome (simply put the word "chrome" in the hex field).

RibbonMarkingAerial.png RibbonMarkingAfrican.png RibbonMarkingArctic.png RibbonMarkingBane.png RibbonMarkingCorsie.png RibbonMarkingDivine.png RibbonMarkingEarth.png RibbonMarkingEgyptian.png RibbonMarkingFire.png RibbonMarkingForest.png RibbonMarkingImp.png RibbonMarkingNormal.png RibbonMarkingPlushie.png RibbonMarkingSpitz.png RibbonMarkingTempest.png {{{velox}}} RibbonMarkingWater.png