Template:MP news

From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 01:10, 26 October 2014 by Lammy (talk | contribs)

Wajas Wiki News

October 26, 2014

Halloween is here! Images for the Halloween 2014 items are being added as they are obtained. Don't forget to knock on the OWF's door every hour, and remember that it is an hour after you last visited, not each clock hour. So if you visit her at 6:05am, you cannot trick or treat again until 7:05am.

September 28, 2014

September items have been added and updated. Lots of mutations have been updated, with potentially more to come! The Forum Goblins event is continuing, and we are expecting to see at least one more raffle in the near future. Keep checking in to both Wajas and the wiki!

August 3, 2014

Hello, Wiki! It's August and as you all well know, the Forum Goblins Event is in full swing. We are working hard to get pages and images up for those items. We also saw a fundraising effort on Wajas in July and there is a page in the works for that, which ties into a smei-exciting (I'm excited) new feature on the Wiki: the Wajas Historical Events page. Okay, technically, it is a category, and sub-categorised in it are the years since Wajas started to now. So what is this? Well, firstly, it's a link off to the right under Resources. Secondly, since we have pages for events on Wajas such as the Forum Goblins and the 2014 Custom Sale, we realised that we should really have these things organised and linked together somewhere to make finding the information easier. This is still a work in progress and if you're an old player with helpful information about Wajas' past, I'm always open to PMs. In these year subcategories, we'll be tagging major events such as those listed above, seasonal Events (which will still have their own category, and big changes made to the site such as the release of a breed. We hope that this will make the history of Wajas more accessible to everyone. We're also working on a breeding experiment to determine the results of rainbow vs chrome markings and will have that up here and mentioned in the news as well.Finally, we appreciate your patience and understanding that the Wiki is regularly maintained by only a handful of players and so sometimes things don't get updated as quickly as we would like or are unclear. Please message me if you have any questions or concerns. Thank you! ~Schwarz (29193)

July 8, 2014

Hello, Wiki! It's been a while! As breed art continues to be upgraded on wajas, we'll be continuing to update it here on the wiki, though redoing item images will wait until we confirmation that the updates are finished. During this time, you may notice that, for example, the picture of the African with Butterfly Wings still looks like the old one. If this happens, try refreshing with F5 like you would on Wajas. If we've updated the image, this will allow you to see the new version on your browser. Also, a reminder to everyone that the Wiki is a community run project, but is regularly maintained by a handful of players who are volunteering their time and working hard to update and improve it. We're people and sometimes we forget to edit a date or something silly. So, if you see something odd or incorrect, please feel free to send me a message about it on Wajas so that we can correct or clarify the information. Thanks, everyone! ~Schwarz (29193)

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