Waja life cycle

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Life Cycle of a Waja

After using a Love pear or Ancient Love Pear, the female will have a due listed on her profile. It is located directly beneath Cave Group. Sometime on that due date, pups will be born. Depending on the Litter Quantity (LQ), your waja will have somewhere inbetween 1-4 pups. Pups look like this-

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6152/6152217.png Bane pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6147/6147072.png Aerial pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6151/6151570.png African pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6150/6150999.png Corsie pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6147/6147014.png Divine pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6151/6151353.png Earth pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6148/6148652.png Egyptian pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6148/6148653.png Fire pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6151/6151933.png Imp pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6150/6150205.png Normal pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6147/6147154.png Plushie pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6150/6150302.png Spitz pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6151/6151007.png Tempest pup

http://www.wajas.com/_images/wajas/6151/6151318.png Water pup

The above pictures show the 12 pup stages. All pups (of the same breed) come in the same color. Once the pups reach the second stage of life, they show they're colors.

In the second stage of life, pups show their actual coat colors. Although they have coat colors, any mutations or coat designs do NOT show up yet. Also, at this stage of life wajas cannot breed.

In the third, and final, stage of a Waja's life, all mutations and coat markings show up. Wajas can begin breeding at the age of 20. This the final stage of life. Wajas do not grow old or die. You can retire wajas, but they do not die or show signs of old age.