
From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Custom pup)

Generation (often shorted to "Gen") is a representation of the waja's location in its direct lineage. A waja with parents, but not grandparents, is the second in it's direct lineage and is thus a Gen 2. A waja with parents, grandparents, and great grandparents, but NOT great great grandparents, is fourth in its direct lineage, and thus a Gen 4. Generation of a waja can be found on its profile page, underneath its gender.

How generation is determined

The generation of a pup will always be one higher than the generation of the highest gen parent. Examples:

  • Breeding a Gen 1 with another Gen 1 will produce a Gen 2 (1 + 1 = 2)
  • Breeding a Gen 2 with a gen 6 will produce a Gen 7 (6 + 1 = 7)
  • Breeding a Gen 23 with a Gen 2 will produce a Gen 24 (23 + 1 = 24 )

Generation 1 wajas are also called Custom Wajas. They are created by players with the use of Tokens. A Gen 1 is the only type of Waja that has no parents, so all other Wajas are either directly or indirectly descendant from generation 1 Wajas.

Significant Generations

Generation 1 Wajas

Main article:Custom Wajas

Generation 1 wajas are also called Customs or Custom Wajas. These are wajas that are created by use of a Token. They have no parents and are adults as soon as they're created.

Generation 2 Wajas

Generation 2 wajas are also called Custom Pups. These are the offspring of two generation 1 wajas, and tend to be the next most valuable. For more information, see below.


A waja with a very, very high generation (usually over 100) is referred to as a Supergen. To achieve these supergen wajas, people breed high generation wajas in a long chain. Sometimes users make a large project out of this, such as trying to get the highest gen on the site.

Generation and Waja Worth

While generation does not affect the appearance of Wajas, lower generation generally equals higher worth. Generations 1s (Custom Wajas) are worth the most, as they are created with Tokens which cost, at minimum, 20 CWP. Even second hand customs (customs made by other users and re-sold) go for at least 30-50 million WC at minimum.

Generation 2s (also called Custom Pups) are the next most valuable, usually going for between 1 and 3 million WC on average. Their worth is primarily because of the worth of their parents, the fact that they're usually clear marked, and the fact they cannot be inbred, saving the buyer the need to check for it.

Wajas over Generation 3 tend to be worth substantially less than wajas of lower generations. Many players choose to only buy Wajas that are below a certain generation. Other players, however, consider generation only a number. It is entirely up to personal opinion.