Gift Box Green

From The Wajas Wiki
"Put your waja in this box so that you can offer him/her as a surprise gift to a friend!"
Item Type: Foregrounds
Item ID: 3110
Artist: Estuko
Release Date: August 6th, 2016
Release Method: Gift of Activity
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The Present Box is a special item that replaces the appearance of the waja with a large green gift box. This makes it possible for the waja to be gifted to another user and kept hidden until the user "opens" the gift (by removing the Present Box accessory).

This item was previously named "Present Box" and was given new art and an updated name in December of 2018. It was also changed to a Foreground from previously being an accessory. Previously the description said, "Stick a waja in this handy box and surprise your friends with a gift box."

Equipped Appearance
