Waja Park

From The Wajas Wiki
Revision as of 15:01, 7 October 2017 by Tailz (talk | contribs)

Waja Park Overview

The Waja Park is a feature released September 18th, 2017 which introduces a fun way for newbies and veteran players alike to find new wajas. The Waja Park can be located underneath the Explore Tab, and clicking on the little fenced in area with the signboard that reads "Waja Park". It is directly under the mining cave. Once in, you'll see two sections. To the left you'll find the entrance to the Waja Park! To the right, you'll find the Snack Shop, which provides snacks to lure in the wajas in the waja park to become your friend.

Catching a Waja

After clicking "Explore" for a bit in the waja park, you'll come across a waja! When you encounter a waja you get the following actions:

  • Explore - Continues to Search as if the waja isn't there.
  • Exit Park - Return to the Waja Park main menu
  • Pet Waja - An action to attempt to catch the waja
  • Grab Waja - An action to attempt to catch the waja
  • Scare Away Waja - An action that chases off the waja
  • Offer a Snack - Offer the waja a snack from your inventory (items are available for purchase from the Snack Shop). One of the item will be used from your inventory. You are not guaranteed a capture by feeding the waja.

Note: Wajas can time out if you take too long to interact with them. You'll be met with the text, "The waja wandered away before you could __________."

It can take you anywhere from one to a few actions before the waja either runs away or becomes friends and joins your cave. Whatever scene the waja appears on, if you able to capture the waja, the waja will be in your cave with the wallpaper of the Waja Park scene equipped.

The park can be empty! If the park is empty and no wajas are currently about, a message will be displayed. "Aww, there don't appear to be any Wajas in the park right now."

Wallpapers Available

Purchasable Snacks

Flagging a Waja

If you come across a waja that is muddy and low quality, it is up to us to keep the park clean bu flagging the waja for the OWF. Just click flag if you think it's unsatisfactory. Once a waja has so many flags it will be promptly sent to the OWF!

Donating a Waja to the Park

If you would like to donate a waja to the waja park, please consider a few important facts! This feature's primary purpose is to help newbies acquire their first wajas. It is very important that you consider whether or not the waja is something somebody would want and help them on their journey, or rather be released to the OWF. It's up to us as users to keep the Park fun for all users participating!

If you would like to donate a waja, it's as easy as visiting the wajas profile, click the "transfer" tab in the menu, and click "Transfer" next to "Send to Waja Park:"

Explore Flavor Text List

  • You can hear laughter in the distance. Are those Wajas laughing at you?!
  • Was that a bird? A plane? An aerial? Too late, it's gone now.
  • You see Apollo in the distance giving you the Waja-equivalent of a thumbs up. You can do it!
  • You find a bit of pink fluff but no sign of the Waja it came from.
  • Eww, looks like someone didn't pick up after their Waja.
  • 404: The Waja you are looking for does not exist.
  • Close your eyes and imagine a Waja. Think like a Waja. Be the Waja!
  • You can hear laughter in the distance. Are those Wajas laughing at you?!
  • Is that a howl you hear in the distance?
  • Grass, grass, and even more...grass.
  • Keep going! There's bound to be a Waja around here somewhere!
  • Have you tried restarting your computer?
  • Wait, is that a tail behind that rock?
  • You've got all these snacks but no Wajas in sight!
  • You find evidence a Waja was here, but nothing else.
  • Are you sure you're looking at the right spot?
  • Those Wajas are elusive.
  • Have you tried whistling?
  • A scary bane chases you away. Better luck next time!