Waja Profile

From The Wajas Wiki
(Redirected from Dam)
Example of a waja's profile page as seen by the waja's owner.

A waja's profile page provides a great deal of information about the waja, as well as allowing you to customize certain aspects of the waja. This article will provide a breakdown of waja profile pages.

Basic Information

  • Gender - Male or Female
  • Generation - Where the waja is in its family line
  • Breed - What breed the waja currently is
  • Age - How old the Waja is (in days)
  • Owner - Who currently owns the waja. If this is blank, the waja is in transfers
  • Cave Group -
  • Pregnant? - Unless the waja is currently pregnant, this section will be blank. If the waja is pregnant, it will display a stork icon and the waja's due date.
  • Love Pear - Tells you which kind of love pear (Regular or Ancient) the waja's parents were bred with to create it.
  • Mining Level - Unless the waja has been trained to mine, this box will not appear. Displays the waja's current mining level.
  • Base Color - The hex code of the waja's base (body) color, as well as a small box of that color.
  • Eye Color - Displays the hex code of the waja's eye color, as well as a small box of that color.


Here the waja's breeding stats are listed. For more information on these, please see breeding stats.


Here the mutations that the waja shows or carries will be listed, along with their hex codes and a square swatch of the color.

For more information on mutations, please see the Mutations article.


Here the waja's marking are displayed, along with their hex codes, opacity (strength), and a square swatch of the color.

For more information on markings, please see the Markings article.

This Waja is pregnant!

Unless the waja is currently pregnant, this section will not appear. If the waja is currently pregnant, this section will provide a link to the father of the pups, as well as a due date and time. It will also state who the litter will be delivered to (Mother, Father, or a specific user).

Equipped Items

If the waja is currently wearing any items, their icons will be displayed here. Next to the words "Equipped Items" will be the word "Manage". Clicking this will take you to the Item Management screen, where you can adjust the layering of equipped items or remove them entirely.

At the bottom of this section there is also a drop-down menu that lists all equippable items in your inventory. Items can be quickly equipped to the waja by simply selecting the item in the drop-down menu and clicking the "equip" button to the right.

Note: Though the icon for the waja's wallpaper is also displayed here, it cannot be removed using "Manage". It must be removed using the Wallpaper tab at the bottom of the waja's page.

This is a Contest Waja

Unless the waja has been trained for Contests, this section will not appear. In this section the waja's contest information will be displayed.

Would you like to...

In this section will be two large buttons:


  • If the waja is for sale, this button will allow you to purchase it for the price listed underneath the button.
  • If the waja is not for sale, this button will be greyed out and will list the general reason why it isn't purchasable underneath (ex. "Not for Sale" or "Already Yours").


  • If the waja is available for breeding, this button will allow you to start the breeding process with the waja. Underneath it will state the waja's breeding fee (if the waja has a breeding fee set) or "Your Waja - No Fee" (if the waja belongs to you).
  • If the waja is not up for breeding, this button will be greyed out and will list the general reason why it isn't breedable underneath (ex. "Not Available" or "Too Young").

Waja Description

The waja's description written by its owner. Here users typically write information about the waja, whether it be a roleplay-style description, general details about the waja, or just breeding information for the waja. It's completely up to the owner what is put here (as long as it follows the site rules and Terms of Service), and some users choose to put nothing here at all.

The description of wajas you own can be edited in the Details tab below.

Cave Rules

The cave rules of the waja's owner are displayed here. For more information on cave rules, please see Cave Rules.


At the very bottom of the waja's profile page are a series of tabs.


Only Available if the waja belongs to you. Here you can edit certain details about the waja.

  • Name: Here you can change the waja's name.
  • Title: Here you can change the waja's title.
  • Group: Here you change what group your waja is in, or remove it from any group altogether.
  • Sale Price: If you wish to sell the waja, set a price here and check the box to the right of it that says "Check to put up for sale". If you wish to take the waja off sale, put a 0 here and un-check the box. Remember, only numbers can be used for the price; Commas, decimals, letters, etc. will cause an error.
  • Breed Fee: If you wish to put the waja up for breeding, set a price here and check the box to the right of it that says "Check to put up for breeding". If you wish to take the waja down from breeding, put a 0 here and un-check the box. Remember, only numbers can be used for the fee; Commas, decimals, letters, etc. will cause an error.
  • No Colors: Checking this box will cause the waja's hex codes to be hidden from everyone but the current owner.
  • Waja Description: Here you can edit the waja's description, which will be displayed in the "Waja Description" section above.


Only Available if the waja belongs to you. This tab is used when transferring a waja from one user to another. You can either enter the User ID of the other user or, if they're on your friend list, you can select them from the dropdown menu.


Only Available if the waja belongs to you. If the waja is equipped with a Wallpaper, this tab will allow you to remove it.


Only Available if the waja belongs to you. This tab gives you the option to retire a waja. For more information on retirement, please see Retirement.


Here is displayed thumbnails of the waja's parents, as well as their names, ages, and generations. The father is marked as the "Sire", while the mother is marked as the "Dam". It is worth noting that the parents represent who the mother and father were at the time of breeding; it is perfectly possible for their genders to not correlate due to use of Gender Pears.


This tab will show a text list of the waja's offspring, sorted with males on the left and females on the right . Offspring that are for sale will have a small cash icon next to their name.

Past Owners

This tab will list the users who have previously owned the waja. Across from each name will be a date displaying when the waja came into their possession. The user who bred the waja will have the word "Bred" across from their name.